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February SDTDA Luncheon

  • Best Westen Seven Seas 411 Hotel Circle South San Diego, CA, 92108 United States (map)


SB 743 (the LOS to VMT Legislation) is Coming to Your Project Soon

SB 743 (California’s level of service to vehicle miles traveled legislation) was adopted into the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in December 2018 and it takes effect statewide on July 1, 2020. This legislation will change how transportation analysis is conducted for land development and transportation projects under CEQA. The level of service-based analysis that has been used for over 30 years will be replaced with analysis based on vehicle miles traveled (VMT). This presentation will provide a brief background on why this change is being made and how it will affect land development and transportation projects. It will also include a summary of how statewide and local agencies are getting ready for implementation.


Erik Ruehr, Director of Traffic Engineering, VRPA Technologies

Erik Ruehr, Director of Traffic Engineering, VRPA Technologies

Erik Ruehr is Director of Traffic Engineering in the San Diego office of VRPA Technologies. He holds bachelor and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan and is a registered Civil Engineer and Traffic Engineer in California. Erik was the chair of a statewide task force created by the Institute of Transportation Engineers to follow SB 743 and assist in the preparation of detailed guidelines for implementation. He also led the development of revised Transportation Impact Study Guidelines for the San Diego region to implement SB 743. Erik is a former Advocacy Chair for SDTDA and led the development of the most recent version of the Gaps Report.

February Program Sponsor

Please note that those who register in advance and fail to attend, will incur a $10 charge

Later Event: September 14
SDTDA September 14, 2021 Program